Thursday, May 15, 2008

I love John Edwards post #42

The words from campaigning politicians move me. They talk about what our country could be with words in the dialect of hope, idealism, integrity, and resourcefulness.

John Edwards has a particular gift for public speaking and soul lifting. Last night he came to Grand Rapids and endorsed Barack Obama. Though I have publicly proclaimed my love for him, and mourned his suspension of campaign here, I was irritated with him for disappearing for a while. I was irritated with him finally endorsing after it appears that Clinton's campaign - a race arguably well run - is nearly at an end. And then he spoke.

I sat at the kitchen table with my husband and daughter crying over my grilled cheese. This is the man who has the map to the America I want to live in, to raise my children in. And his leadership will be in other offices, for the time being at least. I cried because he'll be "the one who got away" for our country, and I cried because what he said was so darn beautiful.

Then Obama spoke, and it - for me - was kind of a let down. Similar to the currently touring Elvis Costello opening for the Police, I feel like the line up is backwards.

Grand Rapids and Michigan may be the location of the start of the One Democratic Party, it might be the start of One America. Edwards and Obama both mentioned Clinton's name several times in touching moving forward to make America better.

Last night, my temporary political apathy, community apathy, American apathy went away.


Keri said...

As I was watching last night, I got the significant impression that Obama, Edwards, and the Party were moving on. It felt electric.

Think positively: with Obama as the nominee (and eventual president???), Edwards -- in whatever position he falls into -- will have very high access and will be able to concentrate on forwarding his One America agenda, without being distracted by the BS that Obama has to deal with and be destracted by because he's at the center of the spotlight.

Christina said...

Umm. Police vs. E.Costello? I beg to differ ;-)

Anonymous said...

A true patriot should always be ready to defend his country against his government.