I can not post this until later because I'd like to tell my family in person and not via the blog.
We saw all of the major organs again, and they're working well.
He (he he he he!!!!) has a lot of hair that showed up on the screen. And giant cheeks.
He is a big baby. I am 28 weeks pregnant, and he's measuring 31+ weeks. Ultrasounds have limits on accuracy, but the computer tells us he (our son. We're having a boy!!!) is 3 pounds, 11oz. He is bigger than 97% of all other babies his age. I am only somewhat concerned.
He was sitting, using my cervix as a foot rest. He is facing my spine, and his head was on my right side. "Little" guy you've got a few months to get into the best possible birthing position. Put it on your long term to do list, okay?
Since the day I knew I was pregnant, I had a very strong feeling that I was carrying around a fella. Kind of neat to have confirmation of mother's intuition.
The ultrasound wand was placed on my belly, and seconds later I had a tear coming from both eyes. I saw a penis before she (the same tech who spent a very long time with us the first time)could say so.
He's on the way....
Oh boy, oh boy! Congrats!
Ooh, he is going to have so much fun driving Willa and her cute girlfriends crazy (in 10 years!) Congratulations!
yahoo! what joy to see your baby growing! Congrats Sinkis!~hgh
Congratulations! A boy, how cool!
What a joy to both have little boys so close in age. I look forward to play dates and exchanging notes on these two.
Big congrats again from the King household.
Thanks all. I am laughing and questioning about the highlighted word "concerned." I don't know why it published that way, but it's not letting me be very subtle about small worries, is it?
Does the highlight have anything to do with spellcheck? Maybe...
I JUST saw this! Where have I been???
Wahoo!! A boy! I can tell you, one of each rules. So glad he's big and healthy and all is well. Such great news! I hope you get one just like mine :-)-- he's active but the easiest, sweetest, nicest baby in the world.
(I knew too, both times, BTW).
Yeah!! Another boy 2nd cousin!! Congrats! Yeah for blue! So you saw the "turtle" before the tec.? You knew what you were looking for.
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