Thursday, March 22, 2007

private vs. public and this blog

I've arrived at an interesting point in blog-ville.

There are things that are happening in our lives (and the lives of people close to us) that are taking time, energy, and concern. Some of these things are not public, and this is a public spot. Ordinarily I would use this space to explore some feelings to get to an "end spot," and this blog is a good way to record for the future. I guess it might be time to start a private journal again.

This all sounds cryptic, and I'm sorry for that. Jim, Willa, and I are in good health, so don't worry about us please.

In the meantime, topics here will likely remain pretty surface.

Put good thoughts and kind actions out into the world, because the world could really use them.


Anonymous said...

It's going to be a very long road however when you have family, friends and others in your life so full of support and concern it seems to make that never ending long road so much shorter.

apt said...

not shorter, i think, just more pleasingly scenic.