On Sunday night my head felt like it was hosting an elephant rock band, and we were looking at getting home near midnight. We had done a decent job of gathering and packing most of our stuff into the car ahead of the Easter dinner rush, but. Some things didn't make it. So far, we've noticed a lack of: the big bowl I cooked the birthday cake in, the specially formed ice pack for my breast pump (lucky for us, breast milk stays cool with non-specially formed devices also), and the USB cable that lets our camera talk to our computer. Mom, if you find these things, please put them in my drawer. What? Don't you all have a special drawer at your parents houses to collect credit card offers, newspaper clippings and other items of note?
Two nights ago Jim and I had every intention of uploading the birthday photos to Snapfish so I could share some here. "I'm a terrible mommy blogger if I delay her first birthday party photos any longer..." But nope. And we have 3 others somewhere - though I think we've checked every somewhere - in the house, so we're not anxious to go buy another one for this "emergency."
Last night I looked at the photos again on the tiny camera screen. They're cute, and you'll see 'em soon. In the mean time, here's something to tide you over. Willa's birthday was on Friday. She tripped over her Easter basket as we were packing the car for the weekend. So, she played with her Easter Sunday basket on Birthday Friday and we celebrated her Birthday Friday with my huge family on Easter Sunday, at which point she also got to play with her Easter basket for the second time. Now do you understand why we've been feeling hung over?
Anyhow, she loved shaking the eggs filled with animal crackers for her and jelly beans for Jim. She's also been carrying the wind chime around like Linus carries his blanket.
That kid has to be one of the cutest. EVER. I love her newly fashioned "pony tail" One thing I have for her is something I think you will really like. For her hair. Every girls needs hair thingamabobs, right?
Again with the Pebbles ponytail, it makes me giggle. Rose got barrettes at Babies R us yesterday. They last for a whole 2 minutes. I timed it.
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