Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Not what I envisioned for the evening

Hey gang! So, it's been a wacky day...
I got a bunch done at work and then headed off for my 4 pm dr. appointment.
My blood pressure was up. There was protein in my urine. My doctor sent me off to the hospital for monitoring for pre-eclampsia.
But first - she gave me permission to go back to the office to get just a few more things done.
I came home at about 7 and the Sinki's ate Wendy's for dinner together. I packed a bag. We took photos. We brought Willa to our friends house and finally got to the hospital at 7:45.
-At this point, I'll remind you that Willa was born after I was in the hospital for pre-e monitoring and when I was being discharged, my water broke.-
I was nervous. We're ready, but not that ready for our son to arrive.
Good news: blood pressure went down. I have a large container to pee in for the next 24 hours. My liver enzymes are slightly elevated. I go for more lab work tomorrow.
So, we all sit tight for a while.
Name clue #2: baby's name is 5 letters long.


--Lindsay-- said...

My guess for Baby Boy Sinki is "Eliot."

Anonymous said...

I don't know what any of the big words mean, but it all sounds exciting.

Kerri said...

Are you guys going with Chuck? I remember you talking about that once a while back...

AmyinMotown said...

Whaa!!!!! So glad you're getting well monitored. So excited though. Baby boy Sinki is on the way!! Thoughts, prayers and much excitement from your blogfriends on this side of the state.

Kerri said...

Second guess....Brett!? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Miles it is...

Mandy said...

I know what it is, but I will keep it to myself!!! I don't want to spoil the surprise.

Keeping you in my thoughts, Amy!

Sadie VK said...

My guess is Henry.

Anonymous said...

Linus, Peter, Heath hmmm actually I am not really a good guesser, but I had to try just for fun. I hope you are as comfortable as you can be. a 10/9/08 baby would be pretty cool :) love ~hgh