Monday, September 29, 2008

nap on the go

Jim got some tile down on our kitchen floor yesterday. In order to do this, he needed Willa out of the house. So, the plan was that I would take Willa Halloween costume shopping after she woke up for her nap.

Except she didn't take a nap. After 90 minutes of lying there reading books, pretending she had to go to the bathroom, yelling at Jim (at that time working in the garage) through the window, "DAAAA-deee watcha doin? I not tired!!"

I gave up on the thought of taking a nap myself while she did, and got us off to the store. And she was sleeping 4 minutes after takeoff.

Undeterred, I pulled into the store's parking lot, put her and a blanket into the big part of the cart where she snuggled back to sleep. She slept the whole 45 minutes that I walked up and down just about every row of toys and clothes and books.

An older woman peeked in the cart, "now THAT's the way to shop."

"No, kidding," I said, "she's pushing me at the next store."

No costume was found, but that floor is going to look nice.

1 comment:

Maribeth said...

I'm jealous. Allison never sleeps in the car, let alone a cart. That is pretty darn amazing.