Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I am the sea cucumber, coo coo ka chew.

Darlings, it's time for me to make some major changes in my life.

Yesterday I had my yearly physical with Dr. B. Since giving birth, I don't dread "that part" of the exam. No racing heart at the sight of the tray with the shiny silver instrument that will be warmed with water and placed... well, it doesn't bother ME anymore, but from my past I understand that even reading those words may have some women in a sweat.

No sir, what almost made me pass out was the scale. I have gained a whole heap of weight in the past 2 years. I have gained weight since having Willa. A lot. And I'm not happy so, it's time to change some. "1 pound a week," said Dr. B. Gulp.

I learned the other day on NPR that sea cucumbers are amazing. When they feel threatened, they spit up their digestive tract and escape while their predator is distracted by the digestive tract meal. Then they regrow their innards and continue merrily along. To learn more, go here: and click on listen.

You thought I was changing the subject here, didn't you? Nope, I'm just drawing parallels while educating the masses. I've been hanging onto that that gem of knowledge until I came to a good metaphor. Almost posted about it yesterday in a little essay about my boss the odd communicator. As she drilled me on something I wasn't in control of, I wanted to be able to distract her and hide under some corral. Almost likened Willa to a sea cucumber when she threw peas on the ground to keep me from noticing that she had a marker in her hand. But nope.

I need to stop the distract and run thing. It's time figure this out and get under control. I'm hoping to use the word svelte a lot in the next few months. So, pals, this is now becoming a place where I am accountable for my healthy weight loss. Here we go.


Em said...

You and me both, sister...pretty soon those masses that you just educated will be commenting here and motivating you, just like they are me.

You have my full 100% support, a walking buddy when you need one and most importantly I hope to be using the word "svelte" a lot more too.

It's on!! We are going to get 'sexy skinny' as my co-worker would say! You and me. 'Svelte to the nines!'

Anonymous said...

Shoot! U have a wedding dress that DOES NOT FIT at the moment! Talk about sexy skinny!

Another supporter here!

: )

Beth said...

I'm with you.